It's Self-Care Month

Make time for you today

Living a healthy life is about caring for our physical, emotional and mental health. Let's remind and encourage each other to cultivate habits that strengthen the mind, nourish the body and rejuvenate the soul.

Tools to help you focus your mind

Sanvello (app)

For daily mood tracking and clinically-proven therapies to improve your mental health.

Declutter your space

Clutter can weigh down on your mind and mood more than you think--a quick space spruce-up is always a good idea.

Calm (app)

Improve sleep quality, reduce stress and anxiety and increase your focus.

Relax with a read

Escape into the world of your favourite author in the comfort of your bed.

Mental Detox đź•Ż

End your week by cleansing your mind from stress and worry. Make yourself a hot cup of tea and get comfortable as you prepare to meditate in the aroma of your favourite scented candle.

• Wind Down in Comfort •

Go On A Solo Date ❣️

Do the things that make you happy, whether it's brunch at your go-to cafe, retail therapy or picking up a new hobby such as pottery.

• Outfits for The Day •

Pen down your thoughts ✍️

Begin the day with a self-care ritual as you put your thoughts to paper. Find a comfortable spot to listen to a calming playlist as you lose yourself in your words.

• Journal in Style •


Self-care isn’t one size fits all—listen to your body and work out how to best look after yourself. You are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the chaos of a hectic life.